
Pricing Plans

  • Basic Plan
  • Pro Plan
  • Team Plan

What are the payment methods?

Payment is made through the app, and only credit/check cards and CASHBACK POINTs are supported. Both personal and corporate cards are available.


CASHBACK POINTs are points that can be used for payment. They are deducted first on the payment date, and if the points are more than the payment amount, there is no actual payment.

When is the payment due date?

Payment is charged on the 10th of every month.

What happens if I upgrade my plan or add add-ons?

The remaining days until the payment date are calculated and charged, and normal charges are made from the next payment date.

How do I downgrade my plan?

If you want to downgrade from Team to Pro/Basic, you need to set the Seat to 0 first.

The difference excluding the amount calculated for the days used until the change date may be paid as CASHBACK POINTs or additional charges may be made.

How do I cancel add-ons?

Cancellation settings are required before the payment date, and the canceled settings are applied from the upcoming payment date.

Is card registration required for the Basic plan?

You can start using the Basic plan without registering a card, but when applying for add-ons, you will need to register a card, just like with the Pro/Team plan.